Sonja Antonsen
Contact Sonja
Sonja Antonsen, Counselling and Therapy
1 Warden Street,
Dunedin 9010
(03) 473 0429 / 021 269 8421
EFT Level & Qualifications
Level 2: Additional
DIp Counsellling
Online Counselling Available?
From Sonja:
"Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy answers our basic human needs to be seen, accepted, loved, feel safe and belong.
As a map for working with couples, or individuals, it both recognises these needs, and is congruent with them in its way of working.
Fragile relationship bonds can be repaired and secure and loving connections rebuilt. I feel very privileged to do this work, and very grateful for the safe framework EFT provides.
It has transformed my own life on many levels and made my work with couples so much more rewarding and effective."